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Aug 10, 2016
I have visited Helsinki before, but last time I did not bring with me my bike and I had to rely on a borrowed abandoned mix of a bike...

Jul 27, 2016
team kit | SM-Parts
We love to meet up with friends, update the bike talk, check out bikes parts and one of my favourite things, maybe because I was never a...
Jul 7, 2016
Giro di Mafia '16
It's finally official. In September we will be travelling to Italy to ride from Palermo to Rome, covering approx. 930Km in 8Days. Four...

Jun 25, 2016
berlin | FIXED42
This was my first A class event. I had visited Berlin for the 1st time a few years back and always wanted to return. The idea of racing...

Jun 15, 2016
frame builder | Arregui Velazquez
You started building frame in 2009, what made you decide to start frame building? To have complete control over the bicycle. At that...
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