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Mar 14, 2016
by DOSNOVENTA #keirinstreets #streets #track #fixedgear #BLOG
Mar 5, 2016
crew | Fixed Broz
We are a group of friends which originally got together for training in the city. It was a kind of an adrenaline boosted lifestyle for...
Mar 1, 2016
team | FixFixie
Fix Fixie Shop was founded in 2012 by Dat Nguyen. He wanted to provide a safe space for cyclists to come and hang out. A place for them...
Feb 28, 2016
courier | CICLO Courier
Founded in November 2012 by four friends, Fox, Naldinho, Gustavo and Padilha, who had in comun the love for cycling and explore the city,...
Feb 26, 2016
berlin | Rad Race
We are 12 friends and we started RAD RACE in 2013 because we wanted our own races, our own cycling apparel and we just wanted to start...
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