Day 7 || Salerno - Pozzuoli
118.8 Km // 5,229 m Elevation gain

The day started with a great little bonus, not just the 10% local market for anyone arriving on a bike, but to get to start our day sharing amazing bike stories with the Polish market owner who told us about his 20K+ bike trip back on his days and his passion for cycling.
The first 30min of the ride was covered with a light shower that later that day would have been very welcome with the heat on the road.

Around Positano this got a bit crazy on the road as we share lanes with taxi, tourist bus, mopeds, other bicycles and even people pushing their luggage in the middle of traffic.
For the first time we saw a sing to Rome, that little sing had such a powerful impact on us and gave that moral bust we really needed, 260Km.

Soon we would be doing some sightseeing. Our lunch break gave us one of the most impressive views we have had so far.

The rest of the day we had only one thing in our minds, all the warning about Napolis and the craziest traffic we would ever encounter in our life. Maybe it was the high expectation but it wasn't as hard as we expected. Even with people driving on the wrong direction, the mopeds flying by and the never ending abuse of the drivers horn. The drivers were extremely aware and really respectful of our presence on the road.
As the night arrived and we tried to find a place to sleep fate decided our destiny with another flat tire, with not much place run we found shelter on a bakery front yard. At least there were fresh bread and some beers to lighten up the mood.